Welcome to the Samaritan Center

MVPN 2021 Logo

Samaritan Center has been serving individuals and families in Central Texas since 1974. We envision a healthy and compassionate community where every individual achieves mental, physical, spiritual and social well-being. We empower individuals, families, and communities and provide a safe space for growth and healing through holistic counseling, integrative medicine, peer support, and education.

The Samaritan Center also partners with the Military Veteran Peer Network (MVPN) to provide additional support for our veterans and their families.

Find out more information about our services here.

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Texas Veterans Commission Fund for Veterans' Assistance (FVA)

This program is supported by a grant from the Texas Veterans Commission Fund for Veterans' Assistance. The Fund for Veterans' Assistance provides grants to organizations serving veterans and their families. For more information, visit www.TVC.Texas.gov.

How Can We Serve You?

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About Samaritan Center

We empower individuals, families, and communities and provide a safe space for growth and healing through holistic counseling, integrative medicine, peer support, and education. Samaritan Center is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, Tax ID 74-1832864.

Samaritan Center
8956 Research Blvd, Bldg 2
Austin, TX 78758


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